Much like the Houses of Parliament, there is often somewhat of a sabbatical in the events calendar of local Insurance Institutes during the traditional holiday period. Leeds is no exception, and the summer months haven’t been punctuated by an August lecture for a number of years. However, when the topic for this rare summer Lecture was emailed out to Institute members, 3 of the Insurance Team leaped at the chance to attend – and not just for the CPD points and free buffett, which all Leeds Institute members know, is always very good.
Despite a string of high profile mergers, acquisitions and team moves under their belt in recent years, citing that there is always room for improvement, the Team from Aston Charles were keen to come along to build upon their knowledge further. Clearly, we were not alone as ‘Adding Value to get Value, how to Best Prepare Your Business For Sale’ was a popular topic, with other attendees including Acquisition Insurance Providers and In-house Acquisition Executives from the Consolidators, alongside various other interested parties from the general population of the insurance industry.
The talk was hosted by Julian Bond, Head of Corporate from Glasyers Soliciters in Manchester, who is well-versed in buying and selling business. He confesses that in his career, “he has come across pretty much everything that the sale process can throw up”! Julian’s stated objective was that, by the end of the session, delegates would be able to explain and discuss terms & conditions of sale, corporate governance, tidying up shareholder agreements, tax planning, due diligence, sale & purchase agreements, likely property issues, earn outs, deferred payments, amongst many other subjects. Best make some notes, then!
The Team enjoyed the talk greatly, and are all in agreement that we took away various points that would certainly help us when representing our broker clients who are seeking to buy and sell businesses.
Aston Charles is actively representing independent brokers from across the UK that are seeking to make complimentary acquisitions. In addition, we have also been retained by a number of Broker Principals who are hoping to realise the wealth they have created in their businesses.
For an ’off the record, no obligation’ conversation, please contact Richard Jones, Director, in confidence on 077250 41848 or email
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