The clock striking midnight on New Year’s Eve is usually the prime time for defining any changes that will make the forthcoming year more successful than previous ones.
As Christmas approaches, most of us are looking forward to the break. But for some, it’s more than just an opportunity to wind down with our families. Statistics show that nearly one in ten resignations are as a result of a problem with a colleague – this is even more prevalent in the 16 - 24 year age bracket. Any negative relationships at work will undoubtedly impact on your desire to return in the New Year. If this is the case, a change in employment should feature highly in your list of resolutions. A recent survey by Glassdoor revealed that almost one in five of us will go back to work next month with an exit strategy in mind, with low salary (35% of respondents) cited as the main reason for the need to change, followed by wanting a new challenge (23%), just being plain bored (22%) or frankly, sick of the commute (20%).
Although getting a new job often seems a little daunting, as January is the busiest time for those who want to kick-start their careers, all you really need is to be proactive and positive. This is a very buoyant month for recruitment, and for every person that moves on, a vacancy is left behind them, and so it begins…
Admittedly, January can start a little slowly, as people drift back to work, but by the time the second week of the month is upon us, things are really gaining apace. This is the time of year when the greatest number of decision-makers are in the office together, so your application can get a much faster, collective “Yes” in order to get you started in your dream job!
Historically, companies usually get their new hiring budgets for the year in January, therefore a lot of the hiring activity - that was possibly delayed in November and December - can now move forward.
From speaking to our clients and candidates alike, Aston Charles finds that many companies pay their annual bonuses in December, which is another reason why people wait until January to change jobs. Aware of this, companies expect a certain degree of attrition in January and are therefore more receptive to receiving applications at this time. It can all become a little chaotic if not handled efficiently, which is why a skilled recruitment consultant is a vital component in this busy trading period. They can save a lot of time and frustration for everyone involved.
So it would make sense, would it not, to use this time to get yourself prepared? Why not get ahead of the game and give us a call for a no obligation discussion on the options available to you. Aston Charles will use their expert knowledge of the insurance, financial services and legal markets to help you transform 2017 into a winning year for you!
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