Sharing a Voice to Protect our Communities
Saturday 24th March 2012
9:30am -4pm, Richard Rose Academy, Carlisle.
Come and join us for another interactive conference on the issues affecting communities that flood.
We will progress discussions on Insurance and the Water Act, helping YOU to understand the implications for your village, town or district.
This year you will have to opportunity to choose 3 out of our 4 break out sessions and we will again have a panel discussion including local MP’s.
Land Management for Flood Protection. Alastair Starling and John Malley, The National Trust
The National Trust's thirst for catchment scale environmental ambition through water.
All National Trust properties are experiencing the impacts of a changing climate. A fifth of the NT land holding is in the Lake District - a quarter of the National Park. To ensure the sustainability of our operations we must adopt and adapt to new and sustainable approaches to flood-risk management.
Lead Local Flood Authorities their role and how they fit into the new flood risk management landscape Iwan Lawton Cumbria County Council
Iwan is an Environment Agency secondee to Cumbria County Council. He will provide an overview and review of the new requirements of the Water Act and how that might translate to actions on the ground. Particularly looking at the likely interactions with the existing flood risk management authorities, and how that relates to affected communities.
Community Funding for Successful Flood Groups. Cockermouth FAG and Morpeth FAG
We again bring together some of the more established flood action groups to share their experiences around raising funds, including the new Payment for Outcomes system, raising profile and getting resident groups together to build an active and successful flood group for your community.
Community Agreement/Template for Action for Flooded Communities. Damien Morris, Impact Housing and Kirstine Riding, CVS Cumbria
A working group to look at the links between communities and the organisations that support them following a flood event. We hope the break out sessions will help develop this document to an established draft. Copies of the initial draft will be available to delegates before the event.
For more information or to book your place:
Or contact: Emily Thompson, Mobile 0797 1877 424
Northern Flood Conference, C/O Keswick Flood Recovery Group, 50 Main Street, Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 5JS
This event is free to members of Flood Actions Groups, and only £20 per delegate for all other parties.
Many thanks to our sponsors including Keswick Flood Action Group, the Environment Agency and Derwent and Solway Housing Agency.